News Archive
12 January 2010
Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information)(Amendment) Regulations, 2006
An information notice on proposals to amend the Disclosure of Information Regulations was issued in the "News" section of the website on 28 August 2006.Please note that these Regulations (S.I. No. 582 of 2006) effective from 21 November 2006, have now been commenced which provide for some of the proposals as outlined in that information notice. -
12 January 2010
Bulletin 2:2006
On Friday 10 November 2006, Brendan Kennedy was selected by the Pensions Board to succeed Anne Maher as its Chief Executive Officer. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board prosecutes employers over failure to meet pensions obligations
Monday 20 November 2006: The Pensions Board today successfully prosecuted Mr. Niall Dennis with an address at 2 Woodlawn Crescent, Woodlawn, Santry, Dublin 9 and Wal Mart Newsagents Limited with an address at Unit 1, Churchview Parade, Celbridge Road, Leixlip, Co. Kildare for failure to comply with the Pensions Board requests for information in relation to their PRSA obligations as employers. -
12 January 2010
Wednesday 15 November 2006: The Pensions Board will attend the ‘Off The Rails’ fashion and beauty show at the RDS this weekend (17th – 19th November), where they will be highlighting the importance for women to start a pension at the event. Pensions coverage overall for the female workforce stands at 47.5%, compared to 54.2% for men. -
12 January 2010
PRSA figures for third quarter 2006
Friday 3 November 2006: The Pensions Board today announced 3rd quarter data for Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), received from all 10 PRSA providers to the end of September 2006. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board prosecutes employer over failure to meet pensions obligations
Tuesday 17 October 2006: The Pensions Board today successfully prosecuted Mr. John Ryan with an address at Boherash, Buttevant, Co. Cork for failure to comply with the Pensions Board requests for information in relation to his PRSA obligations as an employer. -
12 January 2010
Proposals for amendments to the Pensions Act
Proposals for amending the Pensions Acts 1990-2006 (“the Act”) in 2007 -
12 January 2010
Friday 22 September 2006: The Pensions Board will attend the upcoming National Ploughing Championships in Grangeford, Tullow, Co. Carlow from 27 to 30 September to provide pensions information for visitors at this major event. A key target of the National Pensions Awareness Campaign is to build positive pensions awareness within the agricultural sector and rural communities where there are low levels of pension coverage. -
12 January 2010
Proposals for technical amendments to the Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations, 2006
Proposals for technical amendments to the Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations, 2006 (S.I. 301 of 2006) -
12 January 2010
Claims under Insolvency Act
31 August, 2006: Following representations by the Board to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in relation to claims being made, under the Protection of Employees (Employers’ Insolvency) Acts, 1984-2004 (the Act), in relation to unpaid contributions to a defined contribution scheme where the employer has become insolvent, the Department has agreed to amend the requirement for an actuarial certificate to be provided (Form EIP7) before processing the claim. The waiver was granted on the basis that a claim under Section 7 of the Act will always be the amount of the unpaid contributions. -
12 January 2010
PRSA figures for second quarter 2006
Friday 4 August 2006: The Pensions Board today announced 2nd quarter data for Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), received from all 10 PRSA providers to the end of June 2006. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board autumn campaign calls on young workers
Wednesday 30 August 2006: The Pensions Board is encouraging people to start their pensions early in their working lives and is highlighting that contributing to a pension at an early age can make a significant difference in retirement. -
12 January 2010
Section on cross-border schemes added to The Pensions Board website
The Pensions Board have dedicated a section on this website to cross-border schemes. Under this section you will find the relevant forms for authorisation and approval, guidelines and any recent news of frequently asked questions. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board calls on SSIA account holders to invest in their pensions
Monday 24 July 2006: The Pensions Board has today called on SSIA holders to consider investing in their pensions when their accounts come to fruition. The Board is highlighting the tax incentives in contributing to a pension. The CSO Quarterly National Household Survey 2005, highlighted that in the fourth quarter of 2005, SSIA account holders indicated that over 46% of their fund will be committed to Savings, Pensions and Investments. -
12 January 2010
Note on the Remake Regulations 2006
A number of recent Irish cases had suggested that a statutory instrument should not be used for the purposes of implementing EU law, unless it was clear that the primary legislation included a power allowing regulations to be made to give effect to EU law. It was therefore decided in the interests of clarity to amend the Pensions Act, to state that such Regulations could be made and after that, to revoke the 2005 Regulations and replace them with the 2006 Regulations. -
12 January 2010
Friday 14 July 2006: The Pensions Board today launched its 2005 Annual Report, in the Government Press Centre, and presented a copy of the Report to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Séamus Brennan TD, which is available on . -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board to attend Woman’s World show, RDS
Friday 2 June 2006: The Pensions Board will focus on one of its key target sectors when they attend the Woman’s World show at the RDS this weekend (2nd – 4th June). Pensions coverage overall for the female workforce stands at 47.5% compared to 54.2% for men. Recent Pensions Board figures confirm that women are still lagging behind in terms of PRSA uptake with only 37% of all new PRSA accounts opened by women compared to 63% for their male counterparts. The Pensions Board will have an information stand at the Woman’s World to encourage women to start funding for their financial independence in retirement. -
12 January 2010
Trust based Retirement Annuity Contracts: Consultation process
Directive 2003/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 June 2003 on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (“the IORPs Directive”) imposes regulatory requirements on schemes and it would appear these requirements apply to trust based RACs. In order to comply with the IORPs Directive and for other policy reasons consideration is being given to bringing trust based RACs within the ambit of the Pensions Acts. -
12 January 2010
CEIOPS’ Conference 2006 – 14 November 2006
The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) 2006 Conference, will take place on 14 November 2006 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. -
12 January 2010
PRSA figures for first quarter 2006
Friday 5 May 2006: The Pensions Board today announced 1st quarter data for Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), received from all 10 PRSA providers to the end of March 2006. -
12 January 2010
Sunday 30 April 2006: National Pensions Action Week 2006: 64% of respondents in a recent consumer survey conducted by the Pensions Board said that it should be compulsory to start a pension, with 47% saying that they would be willing to pay a higher PRSI rate to provide for compulsory pensions. The research findings were revealed at the start of National Pensions Action Week which kicks off tomorrow during which the Pensions Board is encouraging consumers to take action around pensions. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Forum 2006
Dublin Castle Conference Centre – Friday 5 May, 2006 “Irish Pensions, Changing Times, Challenging Future” -
12 January 2010
Pensions in the workplace day
Tuesday 2 May 2006: Pensions must be accessible to all in the workplace and in society,” Anne Maher, Chief Executive, Pensions Board said today. Ms Maher was speaking during ‘Pensions in the workplace day’, when the Pensions Board launched its Pensions Checklist in Irish, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese. The Board also launched an information booklet ‘ Guide to Equal Pension Treatment’ and Guidance Notes on this subject. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board Launches National Pensions Action Week 2006
Monday 24 April 2006: The Pensions Board today has announced details of National Pensions Action Week which will take place from May 1st – 7th and will exhort people to take action around pensions. -
12 January 2010
Cross-Border IORPs – authorisation and approval forms
Section 37 of the Social Welfare and Pensions Act 2005 introduced a new Part XII into the Pensions Act, 1990 to allow pension schemes to engage in cross-border activity. Directive 2003/41/EC, on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs), requires that schemes registered or established in one Member State will be … Continued -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board prosecutes trustees over failure to meet pensions obligations
Friday 8 July 2005: The Pensions Board today successfully prosecuted two trustees of occupational pension schemes for failure to provide timely information in relation to their respective schemes to the Board. -
12 January 2010
Cross-Border Schemes: Protocol for co-operation between Pension Supervisors
Following its adoption at the Plenary meeting of CEIOPS (Committee of European Insurance and Pension Supervisors) on 22 February 2006, the Protocol for co-operation between Pension Supervisors has been published. The Protocol sets out the agreed guidelines for co-operation between supervisors in regulating cross-border pension activity under EU Directive 2003/41/EC on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board To Provide Pensions Checklist At Career Guidance Conference
Friday 10 March 2006: The Pensions Board will attend the Institute of Career Guidance Counsellors Annual Conference in Galway this weekend (March 9th – 11th) where they will be encouraging attendees to consider the topic of pensions when discussing employment options with students. -
12 January 2010
Bulletin 1:2006
Seamus Brennan, Minister for Social and Family Affairs, announced the appointment of members of the new Pensions Board,which took up office from 21 December 2005 for 5 years, including Mr. Tiarnan O Mahoney as new Chairperson. This Bulletin includes information on the following: New Pensions Board Chairperson; New Board Members; National Pensions Review; Single Member Schemes' Fee Invoices; Guidance Notes and Trustee Handbook. -
12 January 2010
Notes on Social Welfare Law Reform and Pensions Bill 2006
The Social Welfare Law Reform and Pensions Bill 2006 was published by the Department of Social and Family Affairs on 20 February, 2006. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board Launches National Pensions Review Report
Tuesday 17 January 2006: The Report of the National Pensions Review carried out by the Pensions Board at the request of the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Séamus Brennan, TD, was launched by the Minister at a press conference in Government Buildings today. -
12 January 2010
PRSA figures for fourth quarter 2005
Thursday 3 February 2006: The Pensions Board today announced 4th quarter data for Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), received from all 10 PRSA providers to the end of December 2005. -
12 January 2010
Advertisement for Temporary Opportunity at Assistant Principal Officer level in the PRSA Unit of the Pensions Board
Monday 12 December 2005: This news item includes an advertisement and job description for a temporary opportunity at AP level in the PRSA Unit of the Pensions Board. -
12 January 2010
Revised Intervaluation and Section 49(3) application Guidelines
Thursday 1 December 2005: Revised Intervaluation and Section 49(3) application Guidelines published by the Board on 1 December, 2005. -
12 January 2010
PRSA Figures for Third Quarter 2005
Friday 4 November 2005: The Pensions Board today announced 3rd quarter data for Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), received from all 10 PRSA providers to the end of September 2005. -
12 January 2010
Relaunch of
Thursday 27 October 2005: The Pensions Board has relaunched its website, , with an improved layout and search facility, easier accessibility and an increased amount of pensions information available online. The website features an online comment form, an updated online pensions calculator and a new ‘Guide to Pensions’ section. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board and IBEC give pensions awareness a boost in Waterford!
Friday 20 June 2003: The Pensions Board today addressed Waterford businesses at an IBEC Pensions Briefing, in the Ard Rí Hotel, Ferrybank, to highlight the importance of pensions for both the employer and the employee. -
12 January 2010
Minister Coughlan publishes Social Welfare Bill & moves to facilitate flexibility in the funding of occupational pension schemes
Monday 17 February 2003: Ms Mary Coughlan TD Minister for Social and Family Affairs announced the publication today, 17th February 2003 of the Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2003. -
12 January 2010
PRSA Employer information booklets arrive for every employer (in region X)
29 August 2003: PRSA Employer information booklets arrive for every employer (in region X) -
12 January 2010
PRSA Employer information booklets arrive for every employer (in region X)
29 August 2003: PRSA Employer information booklets arrive for every employer (in region X) -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board launches 2000 Annual Report
Tuesday 3 July 2001: The Pensions Board launched its 2000 Annual Report today at a briefing in the Board headquarters in Dublin, which was attended by the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs, Mr Dermot Ahern TD. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board launches 2000 Annual Report
Tuesday 3 July 2001: The Pensions Board launched its 2000 Annual Report today at a briefing in the Board headquarters in Dublin, which was attended by the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs, Mr Dermot Ahern TD. -
12 January 2010
Come on down, the PRSA is Right! The Pensions Board launches a MUST HAVE consumer guide to PRSAs
Friday 5 September 2003: The Pensions Board today announced the publication of the new ‘ Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs)- a Consumer Guide’ booklet. The user-friendly booklet is a straight-forward, step-by-step guide to PRSAs, and has been produced with the consumer in mind. -
12 January 2010
Pensions for women get a head start
Wednesday 3 March 2004: The Pensions Board, supported by Catherina McKiernan, today launched the second edition of their very comprehensive information booklet entitled 'Women and Pensions' as part of their ongoing National Pensions Awareness Campaign. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board approves further PRSA products
Friday 21 March 2003: The Pensions Board today announced the approval of six further PRSA products. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board approves further PRSA product
Thursday 20 March 2003: The Pensions Board today announced the approval of a further PRSA product. -
12 January 2010
PRSAs – Open for business Pensions Board receives applications from PRSA providers
Monday 11 November 2002: The Pensions Board will today begin accepting applications from potential providers of PRSA (Personal Retirement Savings Account) products. The new PRSA products will be approved by The Pensions Board and Revenue Commissioners. -
12 January 2010
Minister Coughlan announces Pensions Ombudsman
Thursday 6 March 2003: Ms Mary Coughlan TD, Minister for Social and Family Affairs, today announced her appointment of Mr Paul Kenny as the Pensions Ombudsman. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board approves PRSA products
Monday 24 February 2003: The Pensions Board today announced its approval of 41 PRSA products. These are the first approved PRSA products and relate to applications received on 11 November 2002 when the Board first opened for PRSA business. The products, which have been approved in conjunction with the Revenue Commissioners, cover 16 Standard and 25 Non-Standard PRSAs. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board launches online interactive pensions calculator
Monday 26 July 2004: In an initiative that will give the individual easy access to vital pensions information, The Pensions Board today launched an online interactive pensions calculator on the Board’s website -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board wins Accounts award
Friday 23 November 2001: The Pensions Board has won the Leinster Society of Chartered Accountants Published Accounts award. The Board took the Not-for-Profit award at a ceremony today. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board details euro changes to pension schemes
Friday 17 August 2001: The Pensions Board has developed a series of booklets outlining the changes that the introduction of the euro will make to pension schemes. Entitled “The Euro and Your Pension Scheme”, there are three booklets, each of which is tailored for a different audience, namely: pensioners, members in employment and trustees. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board wins Accounts award
Friday 23 November 2001: The Pensions Board has won the Leinster Society of Chartered Accountants Published Accounts award. The Board took the Not-for-Profit award at a ceremony today. -
12 January 2010
Women workers lack adequate pensions coverage
Monday 18 June 2001: Less than one in three women working in the private sector are covered by occupational pension schemes, according to Anne Maher, Chief Executive of the Pensions Board. Describing the figure as frighteningly low at only 31%, she pointed out that throughout the economy as a whole only 43% of women workers are covered by an occupational pension as opposed to 58% of men. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board relaunches three updated information booklets
Tuesday 26 October 2004: As part of it's information services for pension scheme members and other interested parties The Pensions Board today relaunched up-dated versions of three of it's information booklets. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board launches 2003 Annual Report
Wednesday 21 July 2004: The Pensions Board today launched it's Annual Report 2003, in the Board’s headquarters in Dublin and formally presented a copy of the report to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Coughlan TD. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board launches the second edition of its guide for trustees of pension schemes
Monday 22 November 2004: The second edition of a comprehensive guide for trustees of occupational pension schemes has been published by The Pensions Board. The Trustee Handbook was launched by the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Seámus Brennan TD, today. -
12 January 2010
Surge in pension queries
Sunday 21 September 2003: The Pensions Board has recorded a very high level of queries from the public across a range of general pension and PRSA issues. The volume of helpful and impartial information which has been made available to the public has been key to developing an informed awareness of pension provision in Ireland. -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board welcomes passing of Pensions (Amendment) Bill
Thursday 28 March 2002: The Pensions Board welcomes the passing of the Pensions (Amendment) Bill by both Houses of the Oireachtas. The Bill finalises implementation of the National Pensions Policy Initiative report of The Pensions Board which was presented to the Government in May 1998. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board Prosecution
12 January 2010
Pension coverage survey results
Thursday 5 September 2002: The Pensions Board welcomes the pension coverage results published today by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). This is the first set of pension data prepared by the CSO using the Quarterly National Household Survey and it is intended to set a benchmark for future measurement of pension coverage in Ireland. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board launches 2002 Annual Report
Wednesday 9 July 2003: The Pensions Board, today presented its 2002 Annual Report in the Board headquarters in Dublin, to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Ms Mary Coughlan TD. -
12 January 2010
Positive PRSA uptake
Friday 7 November 2003: The Pensions Board is pleased to report positive figures on the uptake of PRSAs at end September 2003. 51,782 employers had signed up with a PRSA provider and a total of 6,707 PRSAs were sold at that date. This figure is made up of 4,764 Standard PRSAs and 1,943 non-Standard PRSAs with a total value of assets of €5.2m at end September 2003. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board Prosecutions
12 January 2010
Think about tomorrow today, with the National Pensions Awareness Week
Monday 13 October 2003: Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Coughlan TD, today launched National Pensions Awareness Week at The Pensions Board offices where the Board warned those without a pension that it takes a long time to save for an adequate retirement. -
12 January 2010
Speech by Ms Mary Coughlan TD Minister for Social and Family Affairs on receiving 11th Annual Report of The Pensions Board
Tuesday 16 July 2002: Speech by Ms Mary Coughlan TD Minister for Social and Family Affairs on receiving the 11th Annual Report of The Pensions Board. -
12 January 2010
Address by Anne Maher, Chief Executive, The Pensions Board
Wednesday 10 November 2004: The Insurance Institute of Ireland & LIA Joint Graduation Ceremony in O’Reilly Hall, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4 on Wednesday 10 November 2004 -
12 January 2010
New PRSA products approved
Thursday 11 September 2003: The Pensions Board and the Revenue Commissioners have recently approved three additional Standard PRSA products for two existing PRSA Providers. -
12 January 2010
Speech by Ms Mary Coughlan TD Minister for Social and Family Affairs on receiving 11th Annual Report of The Pensions Board
Tuesday 16 July 2002: Speech by Ms Mary Coughlan TD Minister for Social and Family Affairs on receiving the 11th Annual Report of The Pensions Board. -
12 January 2010
In the matter of: Irish Airlines (General Employees) Superannuation Scheme
Thursday 30 January 2003: On 30 January 2003, IMPACT applied to The Pensions Board for a determination as to whether the aforementioned scheme is a defined contribution or a defined benefit scheme pursuant to sections 38(2)(b), 53(2)(b), 58(2)(b) and 75(1)(a) of the Pensions Act, 1990 as amended (‘the Pensions Act’). -
12 January 2010
The Pensions Board welcomes pension coverage increase but recognises need for more to be done
Tuesday 7 September 2004: The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today issued the results of its most recent pension coverage survey which was completed in the first quarter of 2004. -
12 January 2010
64,000 employers questioned by The Pensions Board
Thursday 2 September 2004: The Pensions Board today issued 64,000 letters and questionnaires to employers who do not have an occupational pension scheme registered with The Pensions Board or who appear to have failed to sign up with a Personal Retirement Savings Account(PRSA) Provider to ensure their staff have access to a Standard PRSA. -
12 January 2010
Announcement by Minister Coughlan on pensions & PRSAs
Sunday 24 October 2007: Mary Coughlan, Minister for Social and Family Affairs, announced today (Thursday, 24th October) that from 1st January next, employers will be obliged by law to pay over pension contributions to the trustees of pension schemes within 21 days of the end of the month in which they are made. -
12 January 2010
New Chairman appointed to The Pensions Board by Mary Coughlan, Minister For Social And Family Affairs
Sunday 15 February 2004: The Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Coughlan, has appointed Mr Michael McNulty as Chairman of The Pensions Board. Mr McNulty, a native of Longford, is a senior partner in Ernst and Young with 34 years experience as a chartered accountant and is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a member of the Institute of Taxation. -
12 January 2010
New Chairman appointed to The Pensions Board by Mary Coughlan, Minister For Social And Family Affairs
Sunday 15 February 2004: The Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Coughlan, has appointed Mr Michael McNulty as Chairman of The Pensions Board. Mr McNulty, a native of Longford, is a senior partner in Ernst and Young with 34 years experience as a chartered accountant and is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a member of the Institute of Taxation. -
12 January 2010
Slow but steady progress for PRSA uptake
Thursday 29 April 2004: The cumulative asset value of Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) is now in excess of €41 million, Pensions Board CEO, Anne Maher, told a conference of the Irish Insurance Federation (IIF) today. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board Prosecutes trustees of Dunnes Stores Pension and Life Assurance Scheme on failure to meet pensions obligations
12 January 2010
Advertisement for Head of Technical Services and Research
Tuesday 18 October 2005: The Board is currently seeking applications for the post of Head of Technical Services and Research. This is a senior level appointment at Principal Officer level. The recruitment process is being conducted by P E Executive Search and Selection. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board prosecutes Superwash Launderette Limited over failure to meet PRSA obligations
The Pensions Board today successfully prosecuted Superwash Launderette Limited for failure to comply with the Pensions Board requests for information in relation to the company’s PRSA obligations. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board targets young consumers
Sunday 16 October 2005: The Pensions Board has launched a new winter advertising campaign as part of its National Pensions Awareness Campaign, featuring cinema advertising, washroom poster sites as well as national and regional radio advertising. The campaign involves the concept of the future catching up with those who have made inadequate pension provision. -
12 January 2010
Ploughing Championship Press Release
Thursday 22 September 2005: The Pensions Board will be attending at the upcoming National Ploughing Championships in Mogeely, Co. Cork on the 27th, 28th and 29th September to provide pensions information for visitors at this major event. -
12 January 2010
Review of Construction Federation Operatives Pension Scheme
Wednesday 28 September 2005: The Pensions Board was approached by SIPTU in relation to issues of concern to them in relation to the operation of the Construction Federation Operatives Pension Scheme (CFOPS). -
12 January 2010
Bulletin 3: 2005 – EU Pensions Directive
Friday 23 September 2005: The first EU Pensions Directive was adopted in 2003 and all Member States were required to bring this into force in their national legislation by 23 September 2005. Ireland has implemented the Directive through inclusion of statutory requirements in the Social Welfare and Pensions Act, 2005 and underlying Regulations. Complementary tax changes were also introduced in this year’s Finance Act.This Bulletin contains in question and answer format an explanation of the main features of the Regulations. -
12 January 2010
Note on new Disclosure Requirements
Friday 7 October 2005: Note on new Disclosure Requirements introduced by the Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations 2005 -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board launches 2004 Annual Report
Tuesday 12 July 2005: The Pensions Board today launched its 2004 Annual Report and presented a copy of the Report to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Seamus Brennan TD, which is available on -
12 January 2010
National pensions action week commences
Monday 9 May 2005: Minister Seamus Brennan launched National Pensions Action Week to-day in Government Buildings. This week is about spreading pensions awareness and encouraging pensions action. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board bringing the world of pensions
3 June 2005: The Pensions Board is bringing the world of pensions to the Woman’s World Show at the RDS in Dublin this weekend. The Pensions Board will have an information stand at the event and personnel will be available to discuss all aspects of pension provision. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board calls on employees in traditional sectors of low pension cover to consider pension options
Wednesday 11 May 2005: The Pensions Board has today called on employees in sectors of traditional low pension cover such as catering, retail, agriculture and construction to start a pension during National Pensions Action Week. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board Chief Executive calls on consumers to consider pensions when ssias mature
Tuesday 10 May 2005: The Pensions Board Chief Executive, Anne Maher has called on consumers to consider investing in a pension when their SSIAs mature in 2006 and 2007. It is estimated that over €14billion of SSIA capital will be released over the two years. -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board announces National Pensions Action Week
Wednesday 4 May 2005: Pensions Board calls for employers to make time during week for employees without pensions to get advice -
12 January 2010
Pensions Board publishes Customer Charter – Website recording 12,000 visits a month
Thursday 3 March 2005: Dublin: Anne Maher, CEO Pensions Board, today, launched the Pensions Board’s Customer Charter, Customer Action Plan 2004-2007 and Comment & Complaints form. These combined documents represent the Board’s sustained commitment to the continued development of its customer services. -
12 January 2010
PRSA figures for first quarter 2005
Friday 6 May 2005: The Pensions Board today announced 1st quarter data for Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), received from all 10 PRSA providers to the end of March 2005. -
12 January 2010
Women vulnerable on pensions provision
Tuesday 8 March 2005: The Pensions Board has today marked International Women’s Day by calling on all women to assess their pension situation and to take action to secure their financial future. -
12 January 2010
Consultation Document on Review of the Funding Standard July, 2004
Monday 29 August 2005: Consultation Document on Review of the Funding Standard July, 2004 -
12 January 2010
Information on National Pensions Review (NPR)
Friday 11 February 2005: The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 2002 requires a report on pensions to be completed by September 2006. Mr. Séamus Brennan, TD, Minister for Social and Family Affairs, has decided to bring the timing of this report forward and has asked the Pensions Board to undertake a full review of coverage and associated issues without delay. The Board recognises the importance of the review and welcomes the opportunity of being involved. Work on the review has commenced and a comprehensive progress report will be made to the Minister in June and the full report will be submitted by late summer. -
12 January 2010
Notes on Changes to the Funding Standard
Friday 11 February 2005: The purpose of this note is to clarify, in broad terms, the changes to be made to the Funding Standard arising from the Pensions Board’s Report (Review of the Funding Standard – Report to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, December 2004) and the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill, 2005 ( published on 11 February 2005). -
12 January 2010
Notes on the Social Welfare Bill, 2005
Friday 11 February 2005: Part 3 of the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2005 makes a number of changes to the Pensions Act 1990 (the “Act”). This note summarises the changes. -
12 January 2010
Report to Minister on Review of Funding Standard
Friday 11 February 2005: At its meeting on 1 November 2002, The Pensions Board decided to initiate a review of the Funding Standard as part of a long-term response to the difficulties being experienced by defined benefit schemes. Initially, this review took the form of an examination, commencing in January 2003, by an Expert Funding Group under the auspices of the Board’s Policy Committee. -
12 January 2010
Actuarial Adviser Advertisement
12 January 2010
Customer Action Plan 2004-2007