Defined benefit statistics
The Pensions Authority publishes statistics for defined benefit (DB) schemes annually.
These statistics are compiled from the annual actuarial data returns (AADRs) submitted by funded DB schemes to the Authority under regulation 23 of the Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations, 2006, as amended.
The statistics published to date can be found below.
Note on the publications below
The excel file below is presented in a time series format and include statistics for each year from 2013 to 2023 inclusive, based on AADR data submitted to the Authority. The figures for each year represent the total of values reported in AADRs with effective dates during each calendar year.
The reports below in PDF format were published prior to 2023 based on data taken from the most recent AADR submitted by each scheme at the time of publication. As such, the figures presented in each of those reports reflect values spread across more than one calendar year, owing to the varying DB scheme year-end dates. The figures in those reports are therefore not directly comparable with the figures reported in the excel publication.