Synopsis of responses to trustee qualifications consultation

2 December 2015: Today, the Pensions Authority published a synopsis of the main points made in submissions it received in response to its consultation paper on trustee qualifications. The synopsis can be found on this page under Related Documents.

The Authority received a total of 30 written submissions in response to the consultation, five of which came from individuals and 25 from organisations/professional advisers. The consultation paper posed six main questions and an invitation to offer other relevant comments. The synopsis document reflects the main points made and a range of suggestions offered; it does not cover every point made.

The next stage of the process will involve a detailed consideration of all of the points made which will further inform the Authority’s views on how to proceed.


For further information, contact:

David Malone
Head of Operations and Communications
The Pensions Authority
Tel (01) 6131900

Note to Editors

The Pensions Authority

The Pensions Authority (“the Authority”) is the statutory body established by the Pensions Act 1990 (“the Act”) to regulate occupational pension schemes, trust based RACs and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) and to advise the Minister for Social Protection on overall pension policy development.