News Archive

  • 12 January 2010
    Implementation of EU Pensions Directive
  • 12 January 2010
    Section 113 – guidelines re: preparation of Certificates of Benefits Comparison with regard to schemes in wind up
    Monday 29 August 2005: Section 113 of the Pensions Act, 1990 to 2002, provides that where a transfer from a scheme to a PRSA is being undertaken then the provider, or an intermediary on its behalf, must present a comparison of the benefits which may accrue if the member remains in the scheme as against those which may accrue should the member transfer to the PRSA.
  • 12 January 2010
    Tender for the supply of furniture and fittings.
  • 12 January 2010
    Highlights of the Pension Coverage Survey 2002
    Monday 29 August 2005
  • 12 January 2010
    Occupational Pension Scheme Compliance Strategy
    At its meeting on 6th December 2002 the Pensions Board agreed a revised Occupational Pension Scheme Compliance Strategy.
  • 12 January 2010
    Securing Retirement Income – National Pensions Policy Initiative (NPPI) Report, 1998
    Thursday 5 May 2005: On 30 October 1996 the National Pensions Policy Initiative was launched. This was jointly sponsored by yourDepartment and The Pensions Board. The objective of the Initiative was to facilitate national debate on how toachieve a fully developed national pension system and to formulate a strategy and make recommendations foractions needed to achieve this system.
  • 12 January 2010
    Progress Report by the Pensions Board to Seamus Brennan T.D. Minister for Social and Family Affairs
    Tuesday 12 July 2005: Report issued to Minister on progress of National Pensions Review - 29 June, 2005.
  • 12 January 2010
    Protocol on Secretariat Website
    Wednesday 6 April 2005: This page provides a link to the Budapest Protocol which is published on the CEIOPS webisite (Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors).
  • 12 January 2010
    Funding Standard
    The Board has published revised guidelines to applications for extended funding periods under section 49(3) of the Pensions Act. The Board has also taken steps to streamline the processing of these applications by publishing an application form to be completed by trustees and their advisers when making applications under Section 49(3) of the Act.
  • 17 November 2009
    Cross-border schemes: Revised protocol for co-operation between pension supervisors
    Tuesday 17 November 2009: Following its adoption at the plenary meeting of CEIOPS (Committee of European Insurance and Pension Supervisors) on 22 February 2006, the protocol for co-operation between pension supervisors has been published. The protocol sets out the agreed guidelines for co-operation between supervisors in regulating cross-border pension activity under EU Directive 2003/41/EC on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision.
  • 17 July 2006
    Advertisement for Chief Executive Officer
    An experienced candidate is now sought for the position of Chief Executive. Reporting to the Board, you will assume responsibility for the ongoing management and administration of The Pensions Board and will implement it's strategies, policies and decisions.
  • 18 November 2005
    Position of UK/Ireland schemes under the EU IORPS Directive Notice
    Friday 18 November 2005: This note should be read in conjunction with the previous note which appeared on our website on 31 August 2005 and which can be viewed below.
  • 12 August 2005
    Position of UK/Ireland schemes under the EU IORPS Directive
    Friday 12 August 2005:For purposes of Irish regulation, a UK/Ireland scheme is a scheme registered in Ireland which has members in the UK. Formerly, employers based in Ireland were permitted to have their UK based employees (whether working in a UK subsidiary or in a UK branch) included as members of the Irish registered pension scheme rather than requiring a separate UK scheme to be established for such individuals. Reciprocal provisions applied in the case of UK employers with employees in Ireland. Since 1994, no new UK/Ireland schemes could be established. However, UK/Ireland schemes in existence prior to that date may continue to operate and accept new members. Currently these schemes are regulated, for Irish purposes, under Occupational Pension Schemes (Schemes with External Members) (United Kingdom) Regulations 2000, S.I. No.470 of 2000.
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