Cross-Border Schemes: Protocol for co-operation between Pension Supervisors
Following its adoption at the Plenary meeting of CEIOPS (Committee of European Insurance and Pension Supervisors) on 22 February 2006, the Protocol for co-operation between Pension Supervisors has been published. The Protocol sets out the agreed guidelines for co-operation between supervisors in regulating cross-border pension activity under EU Directive 2003/41/EC on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision.
Please find below a link to:
– the “Budapest Protocol” relating to the collaboration of the relevant Competent Authorities of the Member States of the European Union in particular in the application of the Directive 2003/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 June 2003 on the activities and supervision of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs) operating Cross-Border.