CEIOPS’ Conference 2006 – 14 November 2006
The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) 2006 Conference will take place on 14 November 2006 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
In 2003, CEIOPS was established as a Level 3 Committee in the Lamfalussy procedure under the terms of a Decision of the European Commission (2004/6/EC). It is composed of high level representatives of the insurance and occupational pensions supervisory authorities of EU Member States. CEIOPS’ role invovles providing advice to the European Commission in its preparation of draft implementing measures, to improve coordination among insurance and pension funds supervisors and to promote consistent implementation of community legislation in the Member States.
The prime purpose of the CEIOPS’ Conference 2006 is to increase the transparency of CEIOPS’ work and progress and to strengthen communications with the industry and all interested parties in order to help CEIOPS react better to stakeholders’ demands.
The Conference will again host high-level speakers, offering the benefit of their expertise. The main topics for discussion will be covered in four panel sessions and will relate to the progress of the Solvency II Project, the implementation of a pension funds’ supervisory regime, the management and supervision of operational risk, and the enhancement of consumer protection.
For further information on the conference, please click on the following link: