Launch of 2022 EU-wide stress test of occupational pension schemes
Monday 11 April 2022: The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) launched its fourth EU-wide stress test for institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs) on Monday 4 April 2022, with a focus on testing the resilience of EU IORPs against a climate change scenario.
The stress test is a triennial exercise to assess the resilience and potential vulnerabilities of the European defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) pensions sector. The exercise is designed to provide insight into how economic shocks, such as inflation, affect IORPs and consequently the wider economy.
The stress test covers IORPs with DB and DC schemes in all EEA countries with material IORP sectors, exceeding EUR 500 million in assets. The Pensions Authority has selected larger schemes for participation in the stress test and will contact them directly.
The deadline for submission of the data to the Pensions Authority is 13 June 2022. Participating IORPs are invited to make use of a dedicated EIOPA Q&A process by contacting their national competent authorities. Further details of the stress test including timelines and the full stress test framework can be found on the EIOPA website.
For further information contact:
Technical Unit
The Pensions Authority
Tel: (01) 6131900