Pensions Authority Risk Conference 2023
25 October 2023: On Wednesday 11 October, the Pensions Authority held its Risk Conference at The Marker Hotel in Dublin.
The theme of the conference was risk management for pension schemes and the related increased obligations on trustees from the transposition of the IORP II directive into Irish law. The speakers and the titles of their presentations were:
- Tim O’Hanrahan, Head of Insurance Supervision of the Central Bank of Ireland, ‘Risk management – insights from financial services firms’,
- Alan Pickering, President of BESTrustees, London, ‘Risk management – a friendly view from across the water’,
- Will Price, CEO of D3P Global Pension Consulting, ‘International lessons on risk management for pension schemes’, and
- Grace Guy, Head of Supervision and Enforcement with the Pensions Authority, ‘Irish pension scheme risk management’.
The Authority launched its guidance on the own-risk assessment (ORA) for pension schemes at the conference and this can be found here.
The video recording can be viewed directly below and the speaker bios, along with the slides for the presentation, are available in the Related File(s) area at the end of the page, and on the events page of the Authority’s website.