Pensions Authority publishes findings report on the 2023 scheme survey
3 October 2023: Today, the Pensions Authority publishes the results of a survey conducted to assess trustee awareness and management of risk.
The Authority issued a survey in July 2023 to the trustees of 150 defined benefit (DB) schemes and 150 defined contribution (DC) schemes. The survey was voluntary and anonymous.
The survey findings show that 68% of the DC schemes surveyed intend to wind up and transfer to an alternative pension arrangement; however, in relation to DB schemes, only 6% of schemes surveyed intend to wind up.
There was a notably lower response rate among DC scheme trustees surveyed and, in addition, many DC respondents chose not to answer several questions. This may indicate a level of non-compliance or a lack of adequate understanding by DC trustees of their risk-related obligations. The Authority will monitor this position closely through its supervisory activities.
More information on the survey findings is available under the Related File(s) section of this page.