I have a Pension/PRSA
Occupational pension scheme
If you are a member of an occupational pension scheme, you are entitled to information about your pension benefits, how the scheme is run and how the pension fund is performing. The trustees of the scheme must give you this information. Your employer also has to give you certain information.
As a member you should regularly check that you are contributing enough to provide you with the income you want in retirement.
The Pensions Authority has published model disclosure documents which communicate as clearly and meaningfully as possible the information that should be given to scheme members. These documents aim to provide understandable information in a structured manner so that members can make informed decisions about their retirement savings. To view these documents go to ‘Model disclosure documents’ on the navigation bar.
If you have a complaint about your occupational pension scheme you should contact your employer and/or trustee.
Personal retirement savings account (PRSA)
If you are a PRSA contributor, you are entitled to information about your benefits under the PRSA contract. You are also entitled to information on your PRSA fund(s) performance. Your PRSA provider must give you this information.
As a PRSA contributor you should regularly check that you are contributing enough to your PRSA to provide you with the income you want in retirement.
If you have a complaint about the management of your PRSA you should contact your PRSA provider to try to resolve it directly.
Further information
The Authority has an online calculator which allows you to estimate the amount of money you would need to contribute to your pension in relation to your age and current yearly salary to end up with the level of pension you expect in retirement. The calculator can be accessed on this page.
Information to help members of occupational pension schemes and PRSA contributors to understand their rights and entitlements is available under ‘Checklists and guides’.
For information on understanding the various type of pensions, how they work and the information that must be given to members see the ‘Understanding your pension’ section.