Defined benefit statistics reports
The Pensions Authority publishes a report on statistics for defined benefit (DB) schemes which have been compiled from analysis of Annual Actuarial Data Returns (AADRs).
Trustees of defined benefit (DB) schemes subject to the funding standard as set out in the Act have been required to submit an AADR to the Authority since 2012. The AADR includes details of the status of a scheme as to whether it is current, frozen or in wind-up and sets out the assets and liabilities for the scheme. In relation to the assets of a scheme the actuary must report the breakdown of the assets across equities, bonds, property and cash. The report also classes the liabilities across the membership of the scheme broken down by active, deferred and retired members.
The Authority publishes this data to increase the general understanding of the importance of the DB pensions sector. The reports published to date can be found below.