31 Jan
Pensions Authority publishes revised code of conduct for PRSA providers
31 January 2025: Today, the Pensions Authority publishes a revised personal retirement savings account (PRSA) code of conduct. Revised code of conduct for PRSA providers Under the Pensions Act, the Authority is required to prepare, and amend from time to time, a code of conduct (the code) with respect to the producing, marketing and selling … Continued
17 Jan
DORA update: Major ICT-related incidents and significant cyber threat reporting
17 January 2025: Today, the Pensions Authority publishes details of how pension schemes subject to the DORA regulation can report major ICT-related incidents and make voluntary reports of significant cyber threats. Details can be found here.
20 Dec
Public Consultation on the draft Revised IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision
20 December 2024: The International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS) has launched a public consultation on its draft Revised IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision. The public consultation process is due to be closed by 14 February 2025. Full details, including contact details, can be found here.
12 Dec
Upcoming ESA workshop on DORA register of information
12 December 2024: The European Supervisory Authorities (ESA) will host an information workshop on the outcome of the DORA register of information ‘dry run’ exercise held earlier this year. Further information can be found here. Those who wish to learn more about how to prepare their registers of information and hear about the 2024 voluntary ‘dry … Continued
28 Nov
Digital Operational Resilience Act – update
28 November 2024: Today, the Pensions Authority publishes a dedicated website page for information on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Any relevant updates from the Authority on DORA will be provided through this page. For further information, contact: The Pensions AuthorityTel: (01) 613